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DNA Amplification

Selection Guide of DNA Amplification Enzymes
Applications Prime Taq DNA Polymerase
& Premix
ExPrime Taq DNA Polymerase
& Premix
HS Prime Taq DNA Polymerase
& Premix
Multi HS Prime Taq Premix Multi HS Prime Taq Premix with UDG SuPrime HF DNA Polymerase
& Premix
Note Wild type Taq DNA Polymerase Blending type DNA Polymerase Hot-start Taq DNA Polymerase Hot-start Taq DNA Polymerase Hot-start Taq DNA Polymerase with UDG DNA Polymerase for cloning
Standard PCR(≤5kb)
Long range PCR(≥5kb)
High-fidelity PCR (for Cloning)
A-tailing (for-T-vector)
Hot-start PCR
Multiplex PCR
Real-time PCR
Prevention of Contamination